Renewable Energy Applications and Incentives Workshops

This course is free and has been developed by YWCA (Hamilton)  in collaboration with CAPE Council for Access to the Profession of Engineering. It consists of five on-line seminars and provides an overview of green energy and technologies.

These five workshops specifically cover solar, wind, water and biomass energy.  The course  covers small hydropower facilities (usually less than about 20-25 mw), tidal generating stations, wave energy generators,wind turbines, wind farms, photovoltaic (PV) cells, passive solar air pre-heater ventilation systems, active solar technology using collectors to heat air and water in houses among other topics.This course also covers green living philosophy including sustainable site development, water efficiency, energy efficiency, materials selection and indoor environmental quality. Green building and live roof technologies including lighting systems using photovoltaic cells, passive light designs, heat absorbing tiles and skylights, smart and   motion-sensitive lighting, Rainwater Cisterns (holding tanks), disconnected downspouts, drainage wells and Bioswales, green space cooling and heating and piping systems using non-toxic antifreeze, green and live roofs to reduce wastewater, improve water conservation and lower heating and cooling costs, natural gas to heat the building and local building materials that have minimum harmful chemical content are also covered in this course.

Further these workshops provide information on opportunities to access incentives to get engaged in green power through education, employment, using green technologies, buying shares in green industries or investing in this emerging market
